Monday, September 24, 2007

My New Slogan

Traveling through Jiuzhaigou, in Western China, (see picture below)...

I think I found my new life slogan:

Either that one, or this one:

Which do you think is better?


(PS For more pictures you can go to my normal blog: )


The Hollemans said...

You may think Im a little slow, but I just now realized what a lucky person you really are. You have seen some of the most beautiful places in the world, met some of the most amazing people in the world, and have a heart and spirit that are now as big as the whole world. You have a lot of courage to do all that you do. And I know someday you'll extend that courage into settling down and having a whole other kind of adventure. But to have been able to do everything you have before you have a family will be a huge blessing to all those you decide to let join your family. Love you.

Rebecca said...

I think the 2nd motto has been your motto for years, hasn't it?
You're awesome!

dr. clint said...

Thanks - Marie, you make me feel like a celebrity or something. I'm just surprised that you thinking about my new life motto "I'm beautiful, but tender" could have stimulated so many thoughts for you :)
Heck - maybe it is a good motto after all.