Saturday, September 1, 2007

Super Mom


It's still two hours before midnight, I'm posting now, so you don't need to call at midnight to harass me.

The story is a good start. You may want to shot to have the story fit into thrity two pages if you ever think about publishing it. Also try to define your audience. if it's kids, I think it can be sillier. If it's moms, then more inside jokes. If it's transylvanian immigrants living in milwaukee, then you'll probably want to fit in some sausages of some sort. just a suggestion.

But don't think about publishing, just think of making it fun. And then there's no stress about what others think, it just becomes totally fun for you.

To me, fun involves midgets.

Here's some doodles. As, you might notice, I think super mom is Jana. - who in addition to all her other powers, has the super human ability of knowing when I am about to drive off the road because I'm not paying attention.



The Hollemans said...

Hey Gerald, thanks for the drawings and the input, why 32 pages, even with all you silliness Im guessing that was actual advice, and IM wondering why that might be. I thought shorter would be better, but what do I know? I dont know who the audience is, but that is a good point, some things were inside jokes, but good idea I will try to think of more. Unless I decde to make the audience kids, I was thinking both, since the mom will be reading to the kid, is that possible, to make something they will both really enjoy, if so you and Jeremiah can help me think of how to make it sillier, and maybe Jana can help me think of some more inside jokes.
Also I think we all know you well enough and assumed Jana would be the inspiration behind supermom, all I ask is that I make it into the book somewhere too, ooh I know, I can be the midget!!
ANd thanks for being so timely, although I was looking forward to calling and making obnoxious sounds!!

dr. clint said...

I love your pictures Gerald!

I think a lot of the silliness will come out in the pictures - especially if the pictures come from your imagination!

Sorry if we just assumed you would draw the pictures without really checking if you actually wanted to. We know you are really busy with everything, so just do what you have time for when you can, if you want.

I like your suggestion about just having fun with it, so whatever happens in the end with it, at least we had fun in the process.

Rebecca said...

Maybe Gerald will answer later about the 32 pages, but I think it has to do with how they are published. What I remember is that they usually have 4 pages together on a sheet (8 front & back) so you have to think in terms of 8 page groupings. Often one idea can cover a two page span. why 32 verses 24 - It just sounds better. Even I'm not write about anything else - I think it just sounds better.

The Hollemans said...

He said that the average page for childrens books, unless its a board book. So we'll see, Im sure sometimes the pictures could say more.

Rebecca said...

Gerald I always enjoy your commentary! I just had a thought about some of the illustrations - what if we put in the imagination bubbles pictures drawn by kids - or at least look like they might have been - stick figures or whatever. (Especially if Gerald doesn't have time to do it all)

michelle said...


I like the drawings and ideas. Good advice for Marie, I would go with the childrens book idea myself. If you go with Beckys idea of kids drawing the pictures you should have Rogers Grandkids do it. Matthew is a pretty good artist though alien creatures seem to be his specialty. I am sure Gerald has some kids that are good at drawing and were bound to have others. I agree just have fun with it.