Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shaws visit Utah

I'm not sure how well this will work with dial-up but I thought I'd at least try to upload one picture. This is from our recent visit to Utah. Our only exciting news since then is that I was released as RS President and now teach gospel doctrine. Anastasia sleeps better than Alexander (and better than me for that matter) she seems very happy most of the time and already has a brilliant smile - with cute dimples like Clint.

The first picture wasn't to painful - so I guess I'll try a couple more.

Our camera's flash doesn't work anymore - but the night setting seems to help keep the pictures light enough to see - unfortunately it also seems to make them more blurry. Still - I think you can see what I mean about her smile (though this smile is a little crooked).

Oh yeah, we also went to Six Flags New England last week with our friends, Rachel and daughters Jessica & Briana.

We enjoyed the waterpark. In addition to the waterpark, I enjoyed a couple water rides, Cory tried some rollercoasters (Later he said, "I think I'm getting too old for rollercoasters."), and Alexander tried some rides he liked and some that scared him. As long as they didn't move too fast they were fun for him. Even Anastasia tried the train ride, the carousel (on a bench), and the lazy river (her least favorite - especially because of the waterfall).


The Hollemans said...

yeah, great post Becky. I know what Cory means about roller coasters, Im starting to feel that way too sometimes. Im just not as spry as I used to be. I really hope that word was used in the right context. Thanks for joining us!!! Isnt it fun to blog, your dial up seemed to even be OK, judging by the amount of pictures you put in. Hey by the way what did you think of those onsied I made for you? Cute, or bearable? Im not that crafty as you know so there were def.some mistakes, but I hope you like them, and how are the movies going for ya?? Im glad shes sleeping good for ya, makes all the difference.

dr. clint said...

Cory, I just went on a ride that I wanted to get off of early, but I was with a girl and didn't want to seem like a wimp. Do you still feel like you have to impress your wife even after you are married?

michelle said...

Loved the pictures Becky! I love dimples your baby girl is adorable. I will have to put some pictures on the site when we get a new scanner ours is not working. lucky for you about getting sleep Matthew kept me sleeped deprived for a whole year. Blake is a good sleeper though.

Rebecca said...

Cory has "no comment" for you Clint- so I guess that means yes?
Marie-just to reitirate what I said on the phone: I can't wait until Stasia is old enough to wear the onesies. Every movie we watch Cory says "That was better than I thought it would be." I especially enjoyed 13 going on 30. I have just one more question for you - Did they ever have a second season for beautiful people? I don't want to watch it, I just want to know what happens. Did you realize that each of those girls went through three boyfriends each during the season?

The Hollemans said...

That Beautiful People was actually two seasons, and no they didnt bring it back, so it is still left hanging, so sad. Im glad you are liking the movies, have you watched lizzie mcguire yet? Just wondering, and Im glad you like the onsies. Hope you like the rest of the movies as well.

Rebecca said...

yes, we watched Lizzie McGuire. We liked it except for the fact that Hilary Duff does not look like she's just graduating from Jr High. We liked the songs, though.