Thursday, October 18, 2007

About Being a Mormon

Howdy peeps,
(side note: speaking of peeps, I got a package today from a friend and guess what was in it - shaped like halloween figures? Yep. I'll share them with my Finnish friends - but it probably won't be as fun as "sharing" them with Marie :).
I was listening to some of conference, mostly in English, and I liked so many of the talks. I have already tried to start to do what Elder, or I mean, President Eyring recommended (in keeping a daily journal of ways in which I think I see God's love or guidance in anything).
The other thing I have now done is something like what Elder Ballard recommended. I went a little out of my comfort zone and posted a blog entry on my pseudo-professional about Being a Mormon Christian: Facts about Mormons - and I hope that it at least does some good.
I'm kind of addicted to watching all the debates about the presidential election, and somewhat surprised/sad when I see a lot of misrepresentation about the Church. But I guess at the very least it makes life a little more interesting.
Anyway - if you want to see my post and give me any feedback feel free.

(I apologize in advance that the only picture I could find on my hard drive of our family was only part of our family, and not the best picture either - not that I think anyone will pay that much attention, but you know)

1 comment:

The Florida Rogers said...

I loved reading this Clint. Thank you for doing that. I have forwarded it to my recently baptized friends and they are spreading the "good news" of your report. Thanks!!