Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Christmas present to myself!

To start off my first entry ever I wanted to share a few quotes that have changed my perspective on life:

"Your networth is determined by the size and the quality of your network."

"If a 100 ft. oak tree had the mind of a human, it would grow to be only 10 ft tall."

"God has a far greater desire to bless us than we have a capacity to understand."

"The only two people that hold us back our, 1. ourselves, and 2. satan."

"There are only two times that we fail; right before we try, and right before we succed."

"Successful people see challenges as a green light."

"No dream is too big!"

In line with these quotes, I decided the best christmas present I could give myself this year would be a bigger and stronger network. It was a natural conclusion that I should first begin with the people who have to love me. In other words, my christmas present to myself is to have a meaningful relationship with every member of my family.

Gerald and Dad and I had a huge bonding experience just before thanksgiving. In going to a conference we had time to talk about our life goals, we learned about others likes and dislikes and opened up on a really meaningful level. I realized than, that my relationship with my family before that point had been on a really superficial level. I don't know anything about any of you, and I've never let you get to know me. I'm sorry for that.

So my goal for this year is to let you get to know me by sharing with you my long term and short term goals. I'm also going to ask for your help, and I pray that you will do your best to help me. It is so easy to reach your goals when you have an army of amazing people working with you.

More than anything though I hope that this will be a chance for me to get to know each one of you. I want to know what your goals are. I want to know how I can help you reach them, either through my prayers or in doing something you don't have time or the capacity to do. I hope that this blog will be filled with daily and weekly updates on how everyone of us is taking steps to acheive our goals, and how other family members can help.

I'm grateful for eachone of you. In the past I have fealt like I could never live up to the legacy that each one of you has left on my life. Now, I know that I can't, but I'm grateful for the great examples that I have in my life and the opportunity to know each of you. So tomorrow I'll write down my goals and ask for help. Just let me know if you will help me. k?

Love ya all,


dr. clint said...

Sounds great Jonny! But you probably already knew I would like what you just wrote.

I don't know how frequently others are reading this blog - so after you post your goals, you might want to send an email out to everyone directing them to your new posts.

Lots of love and see you soon,

The Hollemans said...

Im excited to start this new adventure with you

The Florida Rogers said...


"whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Let's live by that. I believe in our unlimited potential, and it's not by not knowing what we don't know that holds us back, but what we do know that just aint so, that limits us.

I know for me what this really means is allowing myself to drop all my disempowering beliefs, and letting go of my unproductive habits that will help me to claim that "unlimited potential" that lies hibernating inside....

We're all cheering for you. When you commit, move forward with a passion, and don't even think of slowing down until long after the finish line is already behind you.

I'll be doing the same this year. I'm excited for what changes will come.


Rebecca said...

Count me in!!!